Robocut blade replacement instructions.
Replacing the RoboCut Blade
- Remove Telescoping dial.
- Remove screw with cross-tip screwdriver from Scale-tube (which has inch marks) picture A.
- Hold with blade facing up. I used a small jar inside a heavy tea cup, or a vise.
- Turn Scale-tube clockwise 1/4 inch to unlock, it will pop-up.
- Slide Scale-tube up and discard.
- Lift forearm Basket off shaft and discard.
- The motor shaft should only have the Spring with the blue plastic coupler.
- Insert new Basket and Scale as in picture B ; The Spring should push the 1/10 inch gap pointed to in Picture C.
Turn 1/4 inch in counter-clockwise direction to lock. Replace screw to retain.
For help, call 1 970-225-9060.