One of RoboCut core value is safety. Robocut is a personal care product. Returns are declined (including repairs, refunds, product exchanges). This assures that no used product comes in and only new product is shipped to you. It benefits the safety of our associates and importantly your safety, our customer.
Discontinued products have no warranty. 40 years of product history and the testing before shipping is the assurance that what you get works well. Custom orders of discontinued product exactly like the one you used for decades may be accepted for your convenience.
Warranty: New models, current models, have a one year unconditional warranty. Robocut implements teleWarranty based on it's unique modular design. Malfunctions, even if drop-break, are resolved by sending you a free module, no need to return the defective.
If malfunction, contact 970 481 1972 or haircut@haircut.com. Info can be aided by phone-pics messaged or Emailed to diagnose what module needs replacing.
The module will be mailed to you free.