Q.What is the shortest hair I can get with Robocut ?
A.¼ inches.
Q.What is the longest hair I get with Robocut?
A.Can get 24 inches. The order comes with everything for maximum of 6 inches. For longer hair please order more Extenders. Each Extender gives 2 more inches.
Q.Do I need to connect Robocut to a vacuum?
A.No, if you have the PRO model which makes it′s own vacuum, has built-in collector of clippings. Yes, if you have the regular model which will work with any household vacuum that has a hose.
Q.How to see a video of using Robocut?
A.YouTube has many customer posted videos. The most complete is: Click here
Q.Can blades be changed?
A.Yes, you can order on our parts page.
Q.Do I need to oil haircutter?
A.Oil is not need. Use on clean dry hair without hairspray, mousse, etc. in it.
Q.Which blade will fit my Robocut?
A.If your Robocut has an electric switch on the haircutter head, then it’s the old model, needs the blade for models before 2016. If the on/off switch is somewhere else, select the blade for models after 2017
Q.Are there parts available for my old Robocut?
A.Yes, all available parts are listed under Parts page.
Q.Why the old model (before 2016) was re-designed to a new model?
A.For safety and hygiene. The new blade is dry-design, no oiling. No goop-and-hair buildup behind blades, no place for viruses to breed. The new blade can cut only hair, no skin, much safer; thus can touch the head direct to skin and cut shorter than with old model.
Q.How much time do I have to see if I like it?
A.30 day money back guarantee.
Q.What if I have a problem after 30 days?
A.Use your 1 year all inclusive warranty.
Q.Will the Economy model work with my vacuum?
A.Yes, the hose of Economy connects to any household vacuum hose. If encounter a problem call/email/chat with customer service to receive a solution.